那么我们从代码中来看一下为什么虚拟机会被删除。以CS 4.0.2为例:
2013-08-05 20:19:47,038 WARN [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl](DirectAgent-84:null) Found an alien VM Windows 7 (32-bit) (1)
2013-08-05 20:19:47,038 DEBUG[cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImp l] (DirectAgent-84:null) Cleaningup a VM that is no longer found : Windows 7 (32-bit) (1)
2013-08-05 20:19:47,045 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request](DirectAgent-84:null) Seq 1-229638607: Sending {Cmd , MgmtId: 345049672023, via: 1, Ver: v1, Flags: 100111,[{"StopCommand":{"isProxy":false,"vmName":"Windows 7 (32-bit)(1)","wait":0}}] }
2013-08-05 20:19:47,045 DEBUG [agent.transport.Request](DirectAgent-84:null) Seq 1-229638607: Executing: { Cmd , MgmtId: 345049672023, via: 1, Ver: v1,Flags: 100111, [{"StopCommand":{"isProxy":false,"vmName":"Windows 7(32-bit) (1)","wait":0}}] }
“Windows 7 (32-bit) (1)” 是我所建vm的名字。
第一行log出现在VirtualMachineManagerImp l.java中的convertToInfos(Map>)方法中,
protected Map该方法会在开始定义一个map作为返回值,之后遍历db中所有的vm(vmGurus)并与newStates比较,判断为alien的vm会赋一个负数值,并放入map中返回给上一级方法,其中map的value是newAgentVmInfo(),传入参数中guru和vm为null。上一级方法调用者为:deltaSync和fullSync。convertToInfos(final Map > newStates) { final HashMap map = new HashMap (); if (newStates == null) { return map; } Collection > vmGurus = _vmGurus.values(); boolean is_alien_vm = true; long alien_vm_count = -1; for (Map.Entry > entry : newStates.entrySet()) { is_alien_vm = true; for (VirtualMachineGuru vmGuru : vmGurus) { String name = entry.getKey(); VMInstanceVO vm = vmGuru.findByName(name); if (vm != null) { map.put(vm.getId(), new AgentVmInfo(entry.getKey(), vmGuru, vm, entry.getValue().second(), entry.getValue().first())); is_alien_vm = false; break; } Long id = vmGuru.convertToId(name); if (id != null) { map.put(id, new AgentVmInfo(entry.getKey(), vmGuru, null, entry.getValue().second(), entry.getValue().first())); is_alien_vm = false; break; } } // alien VMs if (is_alien_vm){ map.put(alien_vm_count--, new AgentVmInfo(entry.getKey(), null, null, entry.getValue().second(), entry.getValue().first())); s_logger.warn("Found an alien VM " + entry.getKey()); } } return map; }
在deltaSync会遍历返回的map,对于vm为null的项,则判定为非CS管理的alien vm,之后进入cleanup发送StopCommand,此时则会看到之前的第二行log。
public void deltaSync(MapfullSync中有类似逻辑,会在host刚刚加入CS或者重启CSmanagement-server的时候调用到,代码见fullSync最后一段逻辑:> newStates) { Map states = convertToInfos(newStates); for (Map.Entry entry : states.entrySet()) { AgentVmInfo info = entry.getValue(); VMInstanceVO vm = info.vm; Command command = null; if (vm != null) { Host host = _resourceMgr.findHostByGuid(info.getHostUuid()); long hId = host.getId(); HypervisorGuru hvGuru = _hvGuruMgr.getGuru(vm.getHypervisorType()); command = compareState(hId, vm, info, false, hvGuru.trackVmHostChange()); } else { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Cleaning up a VM that is no longer found : " +; } command = cleanup(; } if (command != null){ try { Host host = _resourceMgr.findHostByGuid(info.getHostUuid()); if (host != null){ Answer answer = _agentMgr.send(host.getId(), cleanup(; if (!answer.getResult()) { s_logger.warn("Unable to stop a VM due to " + answer.getDetails()); } } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to stop a VM due to " + e.getMessage()); } } } }
for (final AgentVmInfo left : infos.values()) { if (!VirtualMachineName.isValidVmName( continue; // if the vm doesn't follow CS naming ignore it for stopping try { Host host = _hostDao.findByGuid(left.getHostUuid()); if (host != null){ s_logger.warn("Stopping a VM which we do not have any record of " +; Answer answer = _agentMgr.send(host.getId(), cleanup(; if (!answer.getResult()) { s_logger.warn("Unable to stop a VM due to " + answer.getDetails()); } } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to stop a VM due to " + e.getMessage()); } }第一行中的if语句给出了一个合理的设计,如果命名不符合CS命名规则,则不对该VM做任何处理,如果命名规则符合CS的命名规则,则会进入cleanup流程,这样既不会删除原有vm,同时又保证了CS的管理的虚拟机有唯一的命名。
可以参考fullSync的逻辑,将上面deltaSync稍作修改,对 command =cleanup(;进行判断,修改为:
if (VirtualMachineName.isValidVmName({ command =cleanup(;}